Bird genealogy>> Order Passeriformes >> Family Leiothrichidae
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Simbambili Game Lodge, Sabi Sand Reserve
South Africa


Make Nikon D2X
Lens Nikkor AF VR 70-300 mm f/4.5-5.6D   at 800 mm
Exposure 1/640 s, f/7.1, ISO not available 
Image size 554 x 667 pixels

IOC Names

Deutsch  Braundrossling Dutch  Pijlpuntbabbelaar
Italian  Garrulo sagittato Spanish  Turdoide de Jardine


The Babbler, Arrow-marked (Turdoides jardineii) belongs to the Leiothrichidae family. The common name for the species is derived from its plumage, which is brownish-grey above and lighter below, with white tips to the feathers on the throat, neck and head. The iris is bright red and the inner ring of the eye bright yellow or orange. The males and females are identical in appearance. The arrow-marked babbler lives in social groups of between 3 and 15 birds (six being the average) that defend large territories, with the size of the territory being dependent upon the number of individuals in the group. They feed on insects, spiders and sometimes snails and lizards, as well as fruits. Foraging occurs near the ground, sometimes in association with other babblers or bulbuls.

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Arrow-marked Babbler
Turdoides jardineii
Cratérope fléché

Jean-Michel PAULUS